With this program we have the opportunity to extend home to the school, bringing love and effort with the teachers; we introduced the kids into the wonderful world of knowledge with multiple activities (stimulation and sensory).
This is the moment for your children to take their first steps, we get along with them with activities that promote “Reggio Emilia”, where by playing and having sensory integration they develop motor skills, while they learn a new language.
The world is full of new vocabulary. Our children understand and follow instructions, work with textures and materials, as they expand their skills of maths and writing.
We officially start preschool with the trilingual system, encouraging curiosity by transforming the knowledge for the needs of every student. They learn to touch, see and feel the new world.
The experimentation keeps going on and the cutting-edge academic development helps our students to learn chinese; this step is full of creativity and the teachers integrate the kids to the reading skills (spanish and english), where the academic development is joined with the physical and the emotional tools.
We are ready to conclude preschool and our students are prepared to start a new step by knowing how to write and read in both languages; at this time the chinese base is formed and the sensory motor skills are big allies to achieve the best adventure at kinder 3.
En “Space Club” tenemos diferentes actividades extracurriculares y diferentes talleres artísticos, culturales y deportivos que complementan nuestro enfoque y promueven el desarrollo de habilidades emocionales, sociales, cognitivas y físicas a partir de la experiencia de vida de nuestros alumnos.
Servicio de guardería pensado en todos los papis con responsabilidades que ocupan gran parte del día.
En “Planet Care” recibimos a nuestros pequeños desde las 7am y ponemos especial amor y cuidado en cada uno de ellos hasta las 7pm.
Aquí no tendrás que preocuparte por nada ya que contamos con el servicio de comidas completo y balanceado, con menús creados por nuestra chef y pensados para que nuestros niños se alimenten de manera sana y apropiada para su edad.
Envíanos tus datos y nos pondremos en contacto contigo para aclarar tus dudas y darle seguimiento a tu solicitud de inscripción.